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    Other Ways To Order

    Other Ways To Order

    When placing an order, please select one submission type only. For example, do not submit your order by email and the same order by fax. This results in order duplication with each order being entered separately and the customer being charged for both entries.

    Order By Mail

    Ordering by mail is a very reliable way of purchasing our items when you have many ship-to addresses or need to pay by check or money order. The process is as follows:

    1. In order to guarantee prompt delivery, verify that the correct name and address information is included on the order form.
    2. Print our printable order form or use the order form included in your catalog.
    3. Type or write each address clearly using a current zip+4, if available. Be sure to indicate the correct item number and price for each item ordered.
    4. Enclose your check, money order or credit card information. If using a credit card, be sure to include the card expiration date and security code. C.O.D orders are not accepted.
    5. To guarantee the correct delivery time, please indicate the desired ship date. If no shipping date is given, the order will ship on the next available ship date.
    6. Write your gift message (if any) in the space provided.

    If you require a receipt or need a copy of one, please contact our Customer Service Department at or call 1-800-537-6932.

    Order By Phone

    Our operators are standing by 24 hours a day to help you place your order. Smokehouse operators take calls Monday – Friday from 8 am to 5 pm CST. A call center, located in the United States, assists us with calls when we are not in the office. Call toll-free at 1-800-537-6932.

    For faster, more accurate service, please fill out your order form, including your credit card information, prior to calling. We honor Mastercard, VISA, Discover, Diners Club and American Express. Please keep a copy of your order for your reference.

    Order By Fax

    Order 24 hours a day by using our toll-free fax order number: 1-800-537-6932. You can either fax the order form that came with your catalog or use our printable order form. Before faxing your order, please verify all address information and type or write each address clearly using a current zip+4, if available. To avoid duplicate shipments, please do not fax and mail the same order.

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